This recommended add-in will allow you to access your PlanWell Collaborate projects directly within Outlook. Please note that it is only compatible with Outlook 2007 onwards.
Follow the simple and hassle free steps needed for first time integration of PlanWell Collaborate application with Microsoft Outlook.
- Log onto the PlanWell Collaborate Account from the PlanWell Collaborate Application by providing valid user name and password in the Username and Password text boxes respectively. Once logged in, you land up in the PlanWell Collaborate Dashboard.
- Click My Profile from the left panel. The module provides a section for Software Tools.
- Click Software Tools. The Settings screen appears in the right hand panel, which displays a list the software tools which contains a link for installing Outlook2007 Add in 2.
- Click the Outlook 2007 Add-in 2 link. The Add-in installer (setup.exe) is displayed.
- Click Run to run the installer in your machine or click Save to save the installer in the desired folder in the local system and run that from that folder. Once the setup is run, it installs the components for integrating PlanWell Collaborate application using Microsoft Office Customization Installer.
- Once the setup is complete, launch MS Outlook (relaunch if Outlook was already open), PlanWell Collaborate application is integrated in MS Outlook as a new menu item.
- You have to connect to the PlanWell Collaborate Account to open the PlanWell Collaborate modules which are now integrated with MS Outlook.
- Click the PlanWell Collaborate from the menu bar and select Connect. The Connect To PlanWell Collaborate dialog box appears.
- Enter your PlanWell Collaborate Account’s Username and Password and click Connect. The connection sensor automatically connects to your PlanWell Collaborate account from Outlook. Now you have the PlanWell Collaborate Folder integrated in MS Outlook as shown.
- Expand the PlanWell Collaborate folder to display all your PlanWell Collaborate Projects loaded up in MS Outlook and they are also exactly categorized as your Favorite projects and other projects as the way you had already marked them in the PlanWell Collaborate application.
- Click on any of the Project that you want to go inside, and in Outlook environment you get landed up in the Dashboard page for that project.